Sunday, August 30, 2009
Inspiration: White Rot Sideboard
Image from Dwell (from the Product of the Day series)
Friday, August 28, 2009
Finger pointing: Wooden pear box from Zansia

Images from Zanisa
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Heat Shrink Series by Daniel Rawlings

Images from Daniel Rawlings. Thanks to Dezeen for the tip.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Inspiration: Pluunk bunks

Available at Inquisitive Kid.
Images from Inquisitive Kid. Thanks to ohdeedoh for the tip.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Jess Brown heirloom dolls
Jess has always been inspired by beautiful textiles. She began making dolls for her daughter, Stella 9 years ago using old cashmere sweaters and antique remnants. As committed flea market goers, they would search together for amazing antique pieces, trims, buttons and findings.This has now all come together as a small line of one of a kind and hand made rag dolls.
Each doll is hand dyed in persian black teas to create variations in skin tones. They are all made of cotton muslin and linen, and primarily recycled and antique fabrics and findings. Each doll is stuffed with a sustainable corn fiber stuffing.
There is something truly beautiful about a threadbare, worn, and well loved doll that has been created with the finest materials. Jess lives in Petaluma, California with her children Stella and Tiger and her husband Erio. She owns a small shop in town called maude with her good friend Stacy.
The dolls are available at boutiques all over the bay area, including local favorite Atomic Garden. For more photos of her work, check out her blog.
Images from Jess Brown. Thanks to Inhabitots/Cookie for the tip.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Esty love: Book safes from Pommes Frites

Images from pommesfrites
Friday, August 14, 2009
Donna Walker: Furniture from salvaged stuff

To kick of our newest Process 376 scavenger project, I thought I'd share Donna Walker's fantastic work. She repurposed an old ironing board and some leather cut-offs into this chair, and it looks surprisingly comfortable. Called "Irony," this is one piece of her Re-Design project, the goal of which is to make stylish furnishing exclusively from materials found discarded on the streets of Leeds.
She has a good eye, and it's worth checking out her other projects, like this knitted chair (my personal favorite).

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Chinese take-out
Note there's a hidden cushion in the middle to give the seat enough give to be comfortable. It's that kind of thoughtful design detail that makes all the difference.
Images from Jason Dembski. Thanks to NotCot for the tip.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Half baked: Mix tapes
What would you design with a pile of vintage cassettes? Would it make a difference if they were special in some way, like a mix tape obsessively put together by one of your teen-aged friends? Process 376 gang, what do you think of maybe looking at this for our next project? Here's some inspiration to get you spinning:

Tape and yarn necklace from Etsy seller esea

Artwork made from cassette tape. Part of iri5's "Ghost in the Machine" project
And finally, my absolute favorite, by SF design group, Transparent House. These are made from answering machine tapes. Note how all the tapes are set up at the same point in the recording. The designers varied this from lamp to lamp.
Images from Ooomydesign (via Inhabitat), Esty sellers hellow Earthling and esea, artist iri5 (via Gizmodo), and Transparent House (via Apartment Therapy),
Friday, August 7, 2009
Fashion Friday: Luna Bike Gear
OK, this isn't really a "fashion" post, but with the weather so lovely and the outdoors calling, it's worth mentioning. The women's sport advocates behind Luna Bars have expanded into bike clothing, including jerseys, bike shorts, and accessories. Luna Sport Gear is striving to make their products as eco-friendly as possible. The designs use recycled materials (many of the jerseys are over 90% recycled polyester) and the company keeps their supply chain short by manufacturing locally in the Bay Area. There's nothing flashy here--the colors are feminine without being all pink, and the subtle use of vintage Japanese block prints pushes this a step above.
Available at bike shops throughout the Bay Area. We'll be back to a more traditional fashion post next week. Have a great weekend!
Images from Luna Sport. Thanks to TreeHugger for the tip.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Flat-packed fancies from down under

Monday, August 3, 2009
woodia la piccolo swing
I'm not sure which I love more, this amazing swing or the dreamy photographs that grace the manufacturer's website.
I like our porch swing, but it's really the embarrassed dumpy cousin to this sleek version. Made of reclaimed teak, stainless steel, and with strong modern proportions, the Woodia la Piccolo swing is what my swing wants to be when it grows up and moves to Manhattan.
Images from Woodia La Piccolo. Thanks to Re-Nest for the tip.