Have a great holiday, and we'll see you in 2010.
Images from Hometta. Thanks to Treehugger for the tip.
Looking for a host/hostess gift for that special someone who seems to have everything? Upgrade their beer drinking with one of these hand-carved bottle openers by Roost. Available for ~$20 at Velocity Art and Design.
Images from Velocity Art and Design.
As you probably know by now, I love robots. At the labs here we’ve featured Cat Bishop and Adoptabot. Anthropologie has jumped on the found object robotic trend, selling artist Amy Flynn’s Fobots on their website.
I wanted to dislike the Anthropologie offering, preferring the Etsy finds. The truth is, these are the real deal, not mass-produced, made-in-sweatshop knock-offs. It’s nice to see a major retailer supporting artists in this way. Each Fobot is identified as one-of-a-kind (and priced accordingly). If you prefer to pass-up the mall, you can also buy directly from the artist. There are some equally wonderful robots available on her website. I especially like the clever use of jewelry pieces and car window cranks to add personality. This one even has little Madonna*-esque cone boobies!
*Madonna of “Like a Virgin” fame, of course.