That's it. I'm moving to Portland. Because if I lived there, I would make friends with the ladies from bright designlab. In partnership with Hammer & Hand, they crafted these fantastic pieces of furniture made of reclaimed wood. As if they knew what would make my heart melt, they added industrial metal details. Check that steel band around the coffee table.
Click through to their website or Design*Sponge to see more photos. Can't wait to see what they do next.Images from bright designlab and Design*Sponge. Via Design*Sponge.
I've been searching high and low for the elusive perfect lights for our new bathroom. There are so many amazing options, and in my efforts to find cool (and affordable) green lighting, I came across these recycled bottle lights by Jerry Kott. Mr. Kott takes reclaimed wine bottles, carefully cuts them apart, frosts them, and reassembles them into light fixtures, table lamps, vases, and other lovelies.They're probably too dark for our bathroom, but they're certainly perfect for somewhere. If you want one of your own, you can order directly from Jerry Kott's website or find them at re:modern.Images (c) Jerry Kott